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Week 5

February 02, 2020

Design a Login Form.

Login forms are generally the first step for a user when experiencing your product. To ensure your users experience is seamless from the beginning, you should design your login screen to be as intuitive as possible.

Things to consider:

  • Social Media: Let’s face it — users can be lazy 😉. Providing your users with these options will simplify their lives, which will make them much more willing to use your product.
  • Contextual Details: When logging in, providing your users with more than an email address can make more contextual sense. As an example mobile numbers are heavily associated with your Uber account, as it is primarily a smartphone app.
  • Hiding Passwords: Nothing is more frustrating than spending time filling out a form and getting validation that your password is invalid — attempting to enter it multiple times but still getting the same error message. It’s ideal if users can toggle showing their password, so that you can pinpoint where exactly their password is error-ing.
  • Form Validtion: You might waste some of your users time if you wait until they hit the ‘submit’ button before they are presented with errors. It’s more time effective if they are able to acknowledge what mistakes they have made early on in the process.